(415) 501-0990 Business Hours: Mon—Fri 10am—6pm
Feel the dignity of work

We provide resources that help career seekers adjust their skill sets to what is currently in demand, and get a desired, guaranteed job.

Knowledge-based jobs

Transferring knowledge to professiograms.
Building a digital proof of skill sets.

Our Platform


Get hired or get a career promotion!
100% guaranteed service.


Get a fully quialified employee! Stay informed about zero-day technologies.


Connect to provide professional training services and educational resources.

Our mission

We believe that we can build a robust connection between education and innovation-based jobs. To make it real, we advocate for public policy improvements and for refining education in academia to grow up brainy graduates. We research professional competence and put our efforts to develop a national institution of professional training, that is different from the institution of academic education, and that is purposed for dynamic adjustment of career seekers' skill sets to what they want and to what businesses require immediately. We see this as a path to close the skills gap at a national level, create more advanced jobs, and speed up the economy growth from innovation. Find more about our mission, commitments, and documents.

Our story

Conclusions from the research in national systems of innovation. Distinction of the professional training institution from academia. Proposed the concept of quaternary education and modeled PCD platform.

Business model of Professional Competence Development (PCD) platform for closing the skills gap was formalized in documentation for developing an online service. The online platform has been designed and prototyped. Developing the skills training courses.

Looking for advancing potentials of our PCD platform. Integrating innovative and zero-day technologies into PCD courses.

Our Projects

  • PCD platform: Connecting career seekers, employers and providers
  • LIQBEZ: Online platform for high-school students advanced education
  • K2G Project: Research in national systems of innovation
  • Professional Competence Review. Read the latest issue of our journal
Cooperate with us
It's mutually beneficial

We expand our partners network and invite employers, providers of training services, and professional assessment teams to connect to our platform.


Our technologies